Thursday, February 18, 2010

A Milo Moment

Milo... without him, my most horrible days would be ten times more horrible.

Funny things he does:

1. I can't sit down without him jumping on me and commandeering the spot on my shoulder.
2. He chatters at birds and moving lights.
3. He eats the little food pieces that fall out of the bowl first before starting in on the pile
4. He hides under boxes and in bags and thinks we can't see him.
5. He'll do tricks for treats (like a dog)
6. His head is always wet from sneaking into the shower and rubbing against the faucet.. which drips a little.
7. He is half Siamese, so his eyes cross often....which is hillarious.


Anonymous said...

Is it weird that I've fallen in love with your cat when I've never met him? Good, didn't think so.

Morgan Elizabeth said...

hahaha my mom is in love with him too and she's only seen him once or twice... you are not alone :P